Kurocado Studio Styleguide Help

How To Install Semantic Release


See Prerequisites

Step 1 — Install Semantic Release

pnpm install --save-dev semantic-release

You’ll see output similar to:

+ semantic-release@<version> added 15 packages from 10 contributors and audited 30 packages in 5s found 0 vulnerabilities

Step 2 — Create a Semantic Release Configuration File

To use our Semantic Release configuration, add the following .releaserc.js file at the root of your project.

For Apps and Web-Based Projects

module.exports = require.resolve('@kurocado-studio/style-guide/release/app');

For Packages That Will Be Released Publicly on NPM

module.exports = require.resolve('@kurocado-studio/style-guide/release/npm');

Step 3 — Configure Git Hooks

To ensure that Semantic Release runs correctly during your CI/CD process, you should add a Git hook in your configuration.

Optional: you can add a prepublish or postversion hook with Husky:

npx husky add .husky/prepublish 'npx semantic-release'

Step 4 — Run Semantic Release

npx semantic-release
Last modified: 23 October 2024