Shopify NestJS Help

RFC: Shopify Product Management Integration




Kurocado Studio


This RFC outlines the plan to implement Shopify product management features in a NestJS application using the @shopify/shopify-api library. The goal is to simplify interactions with the Shopify API by leveraging the official library, which handles authentication, API requests, and error handling. The solution will be packaged as an NPM module for reuse and deployed using Docker and, with automated deployment via GitHub Actions.

Proposed Solution

Architecture Overview

  • Shopify Product Service: A NestJS service that uses @shopify/shopify-api to interact with Shopify's product APIs.

  • Controller Layer: NestJS controllers that expose RESTful endpoints for product management.

  • Error Handling: Implement error handling using the library's built-in mechanisms and custom exceptions where necessary.

  • Testing: Use Vitest for unit and integration tests to ensure code quality.

  • Release: see Release GitHub Action.

  • Deployment: see Reusable Composite Action for Deploying Dockerized App to

Sequence Diagrams

1. Product Retrieval Flow (GET)

UserProductControllerShopifyProductServiceShopify APIGET /productsgetProducts()GET /admin/api/2024-04/products.jsonProducts dataProducts dataProducts dataUserProductControllerShopifyProductServiceShopify API

2. Product Creation Flow (POST)

UserProductControllerShopifyProductServiceShopify APIPOST /productscreateProduct(productData)POST /admin/api/2024-04/products.jsonCreated product dataCreated product dataCreated product dataUserProductControllerShopifyProductServiceShopify API

3. Product Update Flow (PUT)

UserProductControllerShopifyProductServiceShopify APIPUT /products/:idupdateProduct(productId, productData)PUT /admin/api/2024-04/products/:id.jsonUpdated product dataUpdated product dataUpdated product dataUserProductControllerShopifyProductServiceShopify API

4. Product Deletion Flow (DELETE)

UserProductControllerShopifyProductServiceShopify APIDELETE /products/:iddeleteProduct(productId)DELETE /admin/api/2024-04/products/:id.jsonDeletion confirmationSuccess messageSuccess messageUserProductControllerShopifyProductServiceShopify API

Environment Variables

The following environment variables will be used to securely store Shopify API credentials:

  • SHOPIFY_API_KEY: Your Shopify API key.

  • SHOPIFY_API_SECRET: Your Shopify API secret key.

  • SHOPIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN: The access token for authenticated API requests.

  • SHOPIFY_STORE_URL: The store URL to interact with the correct Shopify instance.

Ensure these variables are securely stored and accessed using a configuration management system or environment variable management in your deployment platform.


  • Testing Framework: Use Vitest for unit and integration tests.

  • Unit Tests:

    • Test all service methods, covering both successful operations and error scenarios.

    • Use mocking to simulate Shopify API responses.

  • Integration Tests:

    • Test the full flow from the controller layer to the service layer.

    • Ensure that the application interacts correctly with the Shopify API.

  • Test Coverage:

    • Aim for high code coverage to ensure reliability and detect potential issues early.

  • Continuous Integration:

    • Integrate tests into the CI/CD pipeline to run automatically on code commits or pull requests.


  • Dockerization:

    • Create a Dockerfile to containerize the NestJS application.

    • Ensure the Docker image is optimized for production use, with minimal size and efficient build steps.

  • Deployment:

    • Use to host the Dockerized application.

    • Configure the fly.toml file with appropriate settings for the application.

    • Set up environment variables and secrets in for Shopify credentials.

  • GitHub Actions:

    • Automate the build and deployment process using GitHub Actions.

    • Create a workflow that triggers on pushes to the main branch.

    • The workflow should:

      • Build the Docker image.

      • Authenticate with using a secure token.

      • Deploy the image to

    • Store sensitive data like the API token in GitHub Secrets.


  • NestJS Framework: For building the backend application.

  • @shopify/shopify-api Library: Official Shopify library for API interactions.

  • Vitest: For unit and integration testing.

  • Docker: For containerizing the application.

  • For application deployment.

  • GitHub Actions: For automating the deployment process.

Risks and Mitigations

  • Dependency Updates: Ensure compatibility with the latest versions of @shopify/shopify-api and other dependencies.

    • Mitigation: Specify exact versions in package.json and test thoroughly after updates.

  • API Rate Limits: Shopify API has rate limits that could affect operations.

    • Mitigation: Use built-in rate limiting features of the library and implement retries if necessary.

  • Security of Credentials: Risk of exposing API credentials.

    • Mitigation: Use environment variables and secure storage mechanisms; avoid hardcoding any credentials.

Success Criteria

  • Functional Service: The NestJS application can perform all CRUD operations on Shopify products using @shopify/shopify-api.

  • Reusable Module: The NPM package is published and can be integrated into other projects with minimal configuration.

  • Testing Coverage: High test coverage is achieved with Vitest, ensuring reliability.

  • Automated Deployment: The application is successfully deployed to, with automated deployments triggered by GitHub Actions.


  • Stakeholder: Carlos Santiago

  • Sign-off Date: [To be filled]

This updated RFC now includes the Sequence Diagrams, Environment Variables, Testing, and Deployment sections that were previously in the PRD, aligning with your request to move these sections into the RFC.

Let me know if you need any further adjustments!# RFC

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Last modified: 14 October 2024