Shopify NestJS Help

PRD: Shopify Product Management Integration

Project Overview

Integrate the @shopify/shopify-api package with a NestJS backend to perform product management operations (CRUD). Leveraging Shopify's official library simplifies authentication, API requests, and error handling. The solution will be packaged as an NPM module for reuse in other projects and deployed using Docker and, with deployment automation via GitHub Actions.


  • Implement Product Management: Use @shopify/shopify-api to handle CRUD operations for products in a NestJS application.

  • Simplify Integration: Utilize the official Shopify library to streamline authentication and API interactions.

  • Package as NPM Module: Make the solution reusable across projects by packaging it as an NPM module.

  • Automate Deployment: Deploy the application using Docker and, with GitHub Actions automating the process.

  • Ensure Quality: Provide thorough testing using Vitest and clear implementation documentation.

Key Features

  1. Retrieve Products

  • Fetch all products from Shopify.

  • Endpoint: GET /admin/api/2024-04/products.json

  1. Create Product

  • Add new products to Shopify.

  • Endpoint: POST /admin/api/2024-04/products.json

  1. Update Product

  • Modify existing products in Shopify.

  • Endpoint: PUT /admin/api/2024-04/products/{product_id}.json

  1. Delete Product

  • Remove products from Shopify.

  • Endpoint: DELETE /admin/api/2024-04/products/{product_id}.json

Sequence Diagrams

Product Retrieval Flow (GET)

UserProductControllerShopifyProductServiceShopify APIGET /productsgetProducts()GET /admin/api/2024-04/products.jsonProducts dataProducts dataProducts dataUserProductControllerShopifyProductServiceShopify API

Product Creation Flow (POST)

UserProductControllerShopifyProductServiceShopify APIPOST /productscreateProduct(productData)POST /admin/api/2024-04/products.jsonCreated product dataCreated product dataCreated product dataUserProductControllerShopifyProductServiceShopify API

Product Update Flow (PUT)

UserProductControllerShopifyProductServiceShopify APIPUT /products/:idupdateProduct(productId, productData)PUT /admin/api/2024-04/products/:id.jsonUpdated product dataUpdated product dataUpdated product dataUserProductControllerShopifyProductServiceShopify API

Product Deletion Flow (DELETE)

UserProductControllerShopifyProductServiceShopify APIDELETE /products/:iddeleteProduct(productId)DELETE /admin/api/2024-04/products/:id.jsonDeletion confirmationSuccess messageSuccess messageUserProductControllerShopifyProductServiceShopify API

Non-Functional Requirements

  • Security: Securely store Shopify API credentials using environment variables.

  • Reusability: Package the solution for easy integration into other projects.

  • Documentation: Provide clear guides for implementation and testing.

  • Testing: Use Vitest for unit and integration tests to ensure reliability.

  • Deployment: Utilize Docker for containerization and for deployment, automating with GitHub Actions.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables will be used to securely store Shopify API credentials:

  • SHOPIFY_API_KEY: Your Shopify API key.

  • SHOPIFY_API_SECRET: Your Shopify API secret key.

  • SHOPIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN: The access token for authenticated API requests.

  • SHOPIFY_STORE_URL: The store URL to interact with the correct Shopify instance.


  • Valid Shopify API credentials are available.

  • The @shopify/shopify-api package meets project requirements.

  • Deployment will be conducted on using Docker.

Success Metrics

  • Functional Implementation: All CRUD operations work correctly using @shopify/shopify-api.

  • Reusable Package: The NPM module is published and can be integrated into other projects.

  • Testing Coverage: Comprehensive tests are in place using Vitest.

  • Automated Deployment: Deployment to is automated via GitHub Actions.


  • Day 1-2: Set up the project, integrate @shopify/shopify-api, implement product retrieval.

  • Day 3: Implement product creation, updating, and deletion features.

  • Day 4: Write and run tests using Vitest to ensure code quality.

  • Day 5: Package the solution as an NPM module, create documentation, and set up automated deployment.


  • Dockerization: Create a Dockerfile to containerize the application.

  • Deployment: Use to deploy the Docker container.

  • GitHub Actions: Automate deployment with a GitHub Actions workflow.


  • Vitest: Use Vitest for unit and integration tests.

  • Mocking: Mock Shopify API responses where appropriate.

  • Coverage: Ensure high test coverage for all CRUD operations and error handling.


  • Installation Guide: Provide instructions on how to install and use the NPM package.

  • Usage Examples: Include code snippets and examples for common use cases.

  • Deployment Instructions: Document the deployment process and how to set up environment variables.


  • Stakeholder: Carlos Santiago

  • Sign-off Date: [To be filled]

This PRD provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of the Shopify Product Management Integration project, incorporating all the latest updates and sequence diagrams for all CRUD operations.

Last modified: 14 October 2024